Africa Airfare Information

Africa is the most expensive continent for airfare. This is because airline-operating costs in Africa are up to five times higher than other continents. This can mean expensive tickets. This makes finding cheap flights even more important.

Advantages of Humanitarian Airfare

  • Low pricing

    In most cases, our pricing is much better than normal airfare pricing with no advance purchase.

  • Added Flexibility

    This allows everyone to change or cancel their plans if something changes ar the last minute, with reduced penalties from airlines, in most cases.

  • Baggage Discounts

    There are many cases where humanitarian airfare will allow travellers up to three times the standard amount of luggage before they start to charge for bags.

  • Extended Ticketing Times

    There are cases where tickets via humanitarian airfare can be held for up to 11 months without commitments.

  • One-Way-Tickets

    Humanitarian airfare provides access to on-way tickets at about half of the price of a round-trip fare.


Airfare to Africa!


Are you planning a charitable, humanitarian trip to Africa to help a disadvantaged part of the world? Have you found out that planning a trip to Africa is a little bit complicated and can be incredibly expensive? With the help of the right professionals, you can circumvent a lot of these barriers and enjoy reduced humanitarian pricing for Africa airfare. That is where our professionals can help you.

At Economy Travel, 80 percent of our business involves flights to and from Africa. With special Humanitarian Airfare to Africa for Churches, Humanitarian, Missionaries, Adoption, Schools and Universities, we can provide discounted airfare to more than 68 destinations throughout the continent. We can help you get where you need to go while staying within your budget. We have over thirty years of experience providing airfare to Africa, so we know how to get you there as quickly and cheaply as possible.


Our travel agents understand that many destinations throughout Africa might only serve certain airports once per week. Our inside knowledge of the schedules and flight routes can help you get where you need to go as efficiently as possible. Check out some of the advantages of humanitarian airfare enclosed below!

Why Choose Economy Travel:

Economy Travel has been serving nonprofit travelers since 1988. Since we are the holder of 22 humanitarian airfare contracts (List of airlines) directly with the airlines, we are going to have great pricing. We know that you have choices when it comes to your travel plans, even in the humanitarian airfare industry.

We are very comfortable selling airline tickets to Africa for Humanitarians, Missionaries, Adoptions, Churches, Medical Missions, and Schools/Universities, because international travel is all we do. Our agents average over 20 years of experience selling airline tickets to non-profit organizations. We understand your mission because we have specialized in helping you accomplish it from the first day we opened our doors.

Open MON-FRI 9am-6pm EST

Economy Travel

Are experts in our field and have been assisting humanitarian travelers with their airfare requests since 1988.
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